EU funds
SB „Tinycamper“ investments in the establishment of e-commerce model.
Project objective
Establishment of IT for business transactions in order to increase income growth.
SB „Tinycamper“ started to implement a 2014-2020 year project “SB „Tinycamper“ investments in the establishment of e-commerce model” which is co-financed by European Union Structural Investment funds and the company. This is a European Union Investment funds program’s action’s 13 priority project, which is “The promotion of actions, dedicated for the overcoming of crisis that was caused by COVID-19 pandemics, promotion and preparation of digital, sustainable and environment friendly economic recovery”. The number of the measure No 13.1.1-LVPA-K-860, “E-commerce model COVID-19”. In order to increase company’s competitive advantage and obtained income, it is planned to implement this e-commerce establishment project which will involve the online shop creation. It will give terms to sell the products of the company more effectively and more convenient to the client and also will help to increase the planned increase of the turnover.
The budget of the project
43, 568,80 EUR. The amount from Europe’s regional expansion fund is 32 676,00 EUR.
The duration of the project
2022 02 22 – 2022 08 22.
SB “Tinycamper” is specializing in caravans’ production. In order to increase the competitiveness of the company and the turnover it is planned to implement this ecommerce establishment project, during which internet shop will be created. It will create conditions to sell company’s products via the internet and also to successfully accomplish the objective – to increase the turnover.
The project funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.